Chewy Holiday Oatmeal Cookie
Since discovering this oatmeal cookie recipe I have made it, recreated it, and made it time and time again mostly for selfish reasons so that I could always have oatmeal cookies around the house and partly because the recipe is perfect and should be shared with everyone. There is something so soul searchingly comforting about […]
Apple and Fig Baked Oatmeal
When I first started this blog I wasn’t sure how it would go, what I would write about (well, food was the obvious motivator but I mean to say, what my writing would be like), or how into the blogging I would be. I had an idea that I would like to write about […]
Tart Grandma Betty Applesauce
My most recent travels was a whirlwind of sites, smells, and tastes of my childhood. There were early summertime nights spent in Morgantown, West Virginia then traveling south along the Appalachians on the Blue Ridge Parkway into Virginia and North Carolina. I had so much time planned out to sit down and write story after story […]