Current song, “Lost in Time and Space” – Lord Huron.


I have been obsessed with fermenting anything lately. It’s a real obsession. We currently have 5 fermentation projects going in the kitchen – anything from a wild yeast starter for sourdough, we call him Stinky Pete, to fermenting pineapple.


\\(you can follow Stinky Pete’s journey on my IG page highlights reel HERE)//


I am week 28 into my pregnancy, and as I get bigger and feel bigger with my body changing constantly, I am noticing how great it feels to up my fermentation game. Plus, it’s been a fun side passion project when I am not working. I am starting an entire fermentation section of the blog so you can follow my journey of growing bacteria and anything that I learn in the process that I can share with you.

I do want to mention:

There’s so much hoopla out there about whether or not fermentation is okay or good while pregnant. So just to put it out there, I am NOT a doctor or certified nutritionist of any kind, this is based off of my own research and what feels good for my body. So take what you may and leave what you wish. I have learned to do just that with the rabbit hole of pregnancy advice out there for anything from nutrition to baby butt cream.


They say your gut is your second brain. Or is it your first brain? I like to think that your brain in your noggin is your second brain. It isn’t said to, “Listen to your gut,” for nothing.



100 trillion living bacterial cells in our bodies.

The human microbiome includes 100 trillion bacterial cells in an adult. And what’s even more complex is that your “gut health” should not just be isolated in terms of just your stomach. Your gut is actually comprised of all parts of the body that work together for optimal digestion and immune support. Your mouth, esophagus, gut (stomach), pancreas, liver, gallbladder, intestines (large and small), and dare I say, rectum – this powerhouse group comprises and controls about 80% of our immune system.


Did you know? Beyond just feeling sick or low energy or fighting a cold, this powerhouse group for immune support and gut health has an immense impact on our brain – the second brain, the one in your head. Out of whack gut health most often than not means out of whack mental clarity, mood, energy, attention and concentration, depression, anxiety or just the simpleness of feeling motivated. If you struggle with any of this or all of it – you aren’t alone, trust me. And it might come in waves throughout our lives. But fear not, there’s a simple and natural approach to what you can do about it.




Listen to your Gut.

When I notice that I am feeling anxious, low energy, easily stressed or have trouble concentrating, I first start to think about as a whole what I’ve been eating. I generally eat really well and balanced with lots of fermented foods, but I am not perfect and my body is easily affected when I splurge on foods that I love that may not be so great for me, like right now I crave macaroni and cheese all the time. (Disclaimer: life is too short to not eat the bacon, so eat the bacon or the pizza or ice cream or whatever it is you love. Just do so in moderation with consideration of how you might feel the next day and know that’s A OK).


I can now recognize when I am feeling any of these things, I can start with what I’m eating. It’s a simple starting point to weed out the muck that is accompanied with an imbalanced diet. And I don’t claim that food alone is the answer to everything, but I think it’s pretty close to it. Or at least that’s the golden rule I live by. That and some good ole fresh air.


Here’s what I eat in a day (keeping in mind that I am very pregnant, and I am a pretty active person). Looking at my notes, this is a day where I am moderately hungry with about a 45 minute workout routine that’s not too strenuous:





SO you might be asking, okay, “what’s good for the gut then?”

Raw foods and fermented things! Taking a probiotic supplement is a great addition to help you out, especially if you aren’t into fermented foods, but there’s nothing as affective as eating it in the raw and unprocessed form. If you are looking for a supplement to help you out, I’ve really enjoyed DigestZen by doTerra or simply adding one Tablespoon of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar in 8 ounces of water. This is the stuff you want, and you can find it at just about any supermarket nowadays or order straight from Amazon.


It’s funny as I write this, I am remembering a really old post I wrote when I first started my site. I started originally just posting some recipes as an online food journal of some sort long before Homecooked with Love was a business or an actual website. It was my very first post I had ever written. You can find it HERE – with all the reasons I am obsessed with apple cider vinegar and what it can do for you.





I want to share two of my easiest Gut Shot Recipes I have on hand and use all the time. One of the recipes I was given from my dear friend and kick ass yoga teacher, Kilty Inafuku, whom I cater her awesome yoga retreats here on Oahu, and yup, I always have gut shots ready for the yogis to enjoy when they need.

They are the perfect quick and easy remedy for:

→ Heartburn / indigestion

→ Sour stomach or constipation

→ Low energy, anxiety, mood swings, depression

 → Feeling sick or fighting an illness

♥ Any reason. You don’t need a reason to make this and take a shot every day. I recommend in the morning to kick start your day.

(pst… if you want to know more about how to be a part of these yoga retreats I speak of, click HERE – you can also find Kilty on her Instagram account @kiltyyoga ). She’s a gem. 





Gut Shot Remedies – You are what you EAT

I love sipping these recipes, but they are pungent so you might prefer taking back like a shot. I recommend a 2 ounce pour of you are going to swig it back. Go ahead and make a double or triple batch to have on hand daily for a quick and easy addition to your morning routine. The Turmeric-Ginger gut shot is spicy with the apple cider vinegar. The Ayurvedic Gut Shot is a little salty, a little sweet, a little spicy - satisfying all the senses. I'd love to hear back from you if you try the recipes and which one you prefer! Be sure to comment on the post or send me a direct message / email. Hearing from you makes my heart so happy.

5 minPrep Time

5 minTotal Time

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  • blender
  • fine mesh strainer *optional
  • Turmeric - Ginger Gut Shot
  • 1 cup Bragg's unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 Tablespoon ground turmeric or 1" peeled, chopped fresh turmeric root
  • 1 Tablespoon ground ginger or 1" peeled, chopped fresh ginger root
  • pinch of black pepper
  • pinch of clove
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • Ayurvedic Gut Shot (shared with me by Kilty Inafuku)
  • 2 tsp fresh grated, peeled ginger root
  • 2 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt
  • 4 tsp honey or maple syrup


  1. Blitz all ingredients in a blender for about 30 seconds.
  2. You may want to stain your gut remedy through a fine mesh strainer to catch the sediment from the fresh turmeric or ginger. This is totally up to you.
  3. Sip or take back like a shot.
  4. Your tummy will thank you.
  5. Store in an aright container for up to one month.
  6. Be sure to give your jar a good shake before taking as the sediment and spices settle to the bottom.