Current playlist, Spotify Daily Mix 2, listening to No Rain by Blind Melon.


It’s been far too long since I have typed on this little screen. I want to blame it on being “too busy” or tired or not wanting to spend time at the computer on a day off or it’s a waste of time, does anyone really read this anyway? I have nothing to share, I don’t feel creative, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, I wonder if my lovely newsletter gal, Kim, will just write something for me and pretend it’s me… it’s not the first time… (you didn’t actually read that). And I want to say this is easy. That creative things come naturally to me all the time. It’s not always, they don’t always, and today I had to kind of force myself to sit down and write this. Don’t get my wrong, I want to. It’s not that I don’t, but I don’t always want to put the work in. Just snap my fingers and BAM, it’s all written in much better grammatical language than I am capable of, with pretty pictures, fluid content, and something really epically profound to share. And when I sit and look at the blank little WordPress box and think all these not so lovely thoughts in my head, I think, “Stop thinking about it so hard.” Just do it.


So for anyone of you who are reading this. We are in it together. Whether it’s work, crunching numbers, working out, doing laundry, planning dinner for next week, trying to write a blog post. If it feels hard sometimes, like right now, you aren’t alone.  Not everything feels easy all the time – even the things you love most in life, the juice moving, serotonin boosting stuff. If someone tells you it is. They are lying.


So in the theme of perseverance and pushing oneself. And why wait until January 1st, 2019? (I have never quite understood that concept.) Why put on hold feeling good?


I am challenging myself for the month of December (2018) before the “New Year.” To start blogging again. I have a list of goals for this coming year, but I am choosing to focus on one. I have learned that creating some novel of goals and hopes and dreams as a new year resolution only to end in disappointment and defeat when you couldn’t have realistically completed them all anyway, is just so unproductive and not good for your mental state of happiness. Because isn’t that the goal of living anyway, just being happy?



The start of my New Year goals, starting now in 2018, number 1: Blogging. And I am leaving this open ended. It can be about food, exercise, lifestyle, recipes, business, whatever I want. Because leaving room for creativity motivates me.


My current list of blogging goals for this month:

  1. 2 posts – favorite Holiday recipes
  2. 1 post – wellness tips & goals for the Holiday season
  3. 1 post – what I learned as a 2 year business owner in 2018

So I am setting a challenge for you. Make it your own. How can it fit into your current lifestyle or goals for 2019? How can you make it something you enjoy doing and feel good doing?


A Challenge For YOU.

This month I challenge you to try these 4 mindful eating habits to kickstart the Holiday season. Try 1 each week for the month of December, and maybe you do all 4 each week. Set your goal, make it attainable, and perfect for only you.



Goal #1 

Bulletproof Mornings



♥  Try adding some healthy (organically sourced, grass fed) fats to your morning. Adding fats to your diet first thing in the morning actually boost metabolism, allows you to have caffeine without “the jitters.” Gives you sustained energy, brain food to help you focus and remember all the important details, and with the fat soluble nutrients, your body will increase vitamin absorption.

O yea, this recipe tastes FANTASTIC too, like a latte without milk. It’s basic coffee turned superher0 for your morning. PS, don’t forget to also eat your balanced breakfast post bulletproof.

Richard & Hannah’s Bulletproof Recipe 

-> 8 ounces of your favorite coffee or tea, brewed dark (secret ingredient: add 1/2 tsp of cinnamon and turmeric powder to your grounds or tea leaf while brewing)

-> 1 Tablespoon coconut oil or MCT oil (brainfood)

-> 1 Tablespoon good quality grass fed butter or dry coconut milk powder if you want to make it vegan

-> Love a mocha? Try adding 1 T raw cacao powder to your blend *you can add any sweetener of choice if you prefer it a little sweet

=> Toss everything into a Vitamix or small blender of any kind, blitz for 20 seconds, pour into your favorite, “I’m ready for the day” mug, sip, and ENJOY.


Goal #2 

Morning Rituals

Hydrate, Detox & Naturally Energize. All in 1 cup.


♥  Start making a little time for yourself in the morning. Every morning. Try setting the alarm 10 minutes earlier one day this week. Drink your lemon water and sea salt, enjoy your new Bulletproof superhero drink, and set a good intention for the day. You body, mind, and soul will thank you.

Hydrating, Detoxifying Citrus & Sea Salt

-> Before coffee, brushing teeth, walking the dog – squeeze 1/2 of a lemon into 8 ounces of water OR if you prefer DoTerra essential oil, use 2 drops of lemon or lime oil

-> Add 1 teaspoon of high mineral sea salt (just avoid iodized table salt)

=> Give a good stir and drink up!

This simple glass of H2O will rehydrate your cells, help detox as your stomach is empty and it is optimal time for nutrient absorption, supports a healthy immune system, and boosts your energy naturally. It’s amazing what a little citrus and sea salt can do for you and your cells.



Goal #3 

Eat the Rainbow


and I don’t mean skittles.


♥ Think ROYGBIV. Colorful foods hold vital nutrients that is otherwise really challenging to get daily even when taking multivitamins. It’s important to eat pretty foods. Generally the more colorful (naturally), the more health benefits. Try and balance the “meat & potatoes” with something red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple. And as always, try buying produce grown locally in your area.

-> Some food for thought:

Red = Tomatoes

Orange = an orange!

Yellow = Squash

Green = Kale or leafy greens

Blue = Blueberries

Indigo = Black Beans, Blackberries, Plums

Violet = Red Cabbage or Beets


Goal #4 

Eat Your Greens


Try eating something green for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


♥ As a kid, my mom made sure there was something green on our plates for every meal. It always felt like the same great thing (Mom, if you are reading this, I LOVED your food and still do… don’t read into that too much) – I am sure there was more, but now there is green at our fingertips of so many different varieties. And I love them all.

This week, I challenge you to eat 1 green thing that’s ideally organic and locally grown for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

-> Here’s some ideas to help you out: 

-> Breakfast: Sautéed kale with sea salt and garlic, poached eggs, avocado, lemon wedge, and your favorite toast.

-> Lunch: Make a protein packed salad – maybe a Rainbow Fiesta Bowl. Add leafy greens, black beans, fresh pico de gallo or cherry tomatoes, fresh avocado slices, sautéed red onion, roasted sweet potatoes with cumin and sea salt, shredded red cabbage, fresh cilantro (did you know? Cilantro is a detoxifying herb?), dollop of vegan coconut yogurt or plain yogurt in place of sour cream, maybe even a handful of tortilla chips. You can even add some grilled protein if you’d like.

-> Dinner: Pesto tossed with brown rice, spinach or kale, add some oven roasted zucchini, sun-dried tomatoes, pine nuts or toasted almonds, fresh grated parmesan or omit if you are vegan.


And remember, enjoy the process. Enjoy the food you eat and be mindful when you eat. Try sitting outside or without the noise of the boob tube. Wellness isn’t just about what we eat but how and who we are with.


Think you can do it? I think you can. Lets do this.



1 more tip before I go.


It’s OK. Treat Yo Self.


My secret at starting something I have find really challenging, I let myself have a treat. If it’s during or a reward for after, I let myself have it. For me, that’s usually an espresso at Chadlous coffeeshop in Kailua or avocado toast, or a chocolate chip cookie…



Whatever it is for you (in moderation, of course… like I swear I didn’t eat that entire plate of cookies) if it motivates you, comforts you, I say treat yourself. Whoever said you can’t have a treat now and again for conquering self doubt and infinite procrastination, probably has never tried to push themselves that much.


I’d love to hear about your process, your goals, and IF you made it through this entire post to try out my end of the 2018 year challenge for you. Please post and share on social media and tag me! on IG I will be sure to keep sharing my New Year goals and all the posts I continue to share.


Lots of Love to you,

Hannah ♥


Photo Credit: by the wonderfully talented @marissaphillipsphoto

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