Simple n’ Spicy Kale Hummus

Spicy Kale Hummus with organic radish

Ode to Kale.   This recipe takes the classic loved hummus dish and makes it fun to look at almost as much as it is fun to eat.   I was recently thinking back to when kale first made it’s way into the proverbial foodie world. I am not even sure when it became so […]

Salted Sesame Granola

Hannah holding an Acai Sorbet topped with an aspired sesame granola from the North Shore, Oahu

I cannot believe that it’s December 13th. Christmas is next Sunday. Where has 2016 gone? Where have my college years gone? Where did the past four years post college go? I mean does anyone else feel like time is just flying by and there are just not enough hours in the day to do everything […]

Apple and Fig Baked Oatmeal

Apple and Fig Baked Oatmeal

  When I first started this blog I wasn’t sure how it would go, what I would write about (well, food was the obvious motivator but I mean to say, what my writing would be like), or how into the blogging I would be. I had an idea that I would like to write about […]

Green Apple Smoothie

Apple-Banana-Spirulina-Detox Is anyone else still coming off the Halloween sugar high – one week later – like I am? I have an abundance of those almond butter reese’s cup goodie bags just hanging out in my freezer waiting to be indulged and devoured. They are vegan, raw, with no refined sugars or weird emulsifiers, AND […]

Pumpkin Pie Granola Clusters

Okay lets try something. I am going to write one word, and you just say the first word that pops into your head. Easy right? Just the very first word that comes to mind. Go ahead and post your answer in the comments below. I’d love hear what each of you thought of. Okay, ready? […]

Tart Grandma Betty Applesauce

My most recent travels was a whirlwind of sites, smells, and tastes of my childhood. There were early summertime nights spent in Morgantown, West Virginia then traveling south along the Appalachians on the Blue Ridge Parkway into Virginia and North Carolina. I had so much time planned out to sit down and write story after story […]