Apple and Fig Baked Oatmeal

Apple and Fig Baked Oatmeal

  When I first started this blog I wasn’t sure how it would go, what I would write about (well, food was the obvious motivator but I mean to say, what my writing would be like), or how into the blogging I would be. I had an idea that I would like to write about […]

Almond Butter Reese’s Cups

Hey there fellow reese’s cup lover. I feel pretty confident in saying that you are a reese’s cup lover if you clicked on this post or was drawn here by a few simple clicks down the rabbit hole of literal food porn that is the instagram feed. Either way, welcome. You have made a good […]

Pumpkin Pie Granola Clusters

Okay lets try something. I am going to write one word, and you just say the first word that pops into your head. Easy right? Just the very first word that comes to mind. Go ahead and post your answer in the comments below. I’d love hear what each of you thought of. Okay, ready? […]

Egg Drop Soup

Light Egg Drop Soup with lime from the Homecooked with Love food blog

I recently had a dear friend of mine request some homecooked with love recipes that were easily packable, great for on the go, nutrient rich with lots of digestive happy ingredients, and of course, satisfying in every which way. Before she even finished her thought, the words silky eggs, ginger, lemon, and soup popped into my […]

Tart Grandma Betty Applesauce

My most recent travels was a whirlwind of sites, smells, and tastes of my childhood. There were early summertime nights spent in Morgantown, West Virginia then traveling south along the Appalachians on the Blue Ridge Parkway into Virginia and North Carolina. I had so much time planned out to sit down and write story after story […]

Ancient Grain Pie Crust

You know the awesomely flaky roll out Pillsbury pie dough that is layered with buttery goodness? The dough that makes for the most perfect braids, lattices, and cut outs? That’s the pie dough I grew up with and for a good reason. Not only was it quick and turned out perfect every time, but it […]