Pumpkin Nog Cinnamon Rolls

No fail vegan pumpkin cinnamon rolls baked with ‘nog’ cream and topped with nutmeg cream cheese frosting. Let yourself have this one :). If you are anything like me, you visit food blogs for the food. I always click the “skip ahead to recipe” button. And I’ve realized that’s why I didn’t like to food […]

Banana Turmeric Muffins

Current song, “07.11.11” by Jose Gonzalez.   I am on a turmeric kick. Although, that’s nothing short of the usual with me. Turmeric has such a mild flavor and it’s so powerfully packed with healing powers that why not add it to anything and everything?   Golden Milk. Turmeric in oatmeal, overnight oats, chia seed […]

Chewy Holiday Oatmeal Cookie

Chewy Holiday Oatmeal Cookie. Vegan and Gluten Free

Since discovering this oatmeal cookie recipe I have made it, recreated it, and made it time and time again mostly for selfish reasons so that I could always have oatmeal cookies around the house and partly because the recipe is perfect and should be shared with everyone. There is something so soul searchingly comforting about […]

Almond Butter Reese’s Cups

Hey there fellow reese’s cup lover. I feel pretty confident in saying that you are a reese’s cup lover if you clicked on this post or was drawn here by a few simple clicks down the rabbit hole of literal food porn that is the homecooked.love instagram feed. Either way, welcome. You have made a good […]

Timeless Strawberry-Basil and Rhubarb Pie

It’s that rhubarb again. This time featured with luscious strawberries and more strawberries and basil. I’m starting to find that rhubarb is kind of amazing. For its bitter raw flavor and snappy texture, when baked with just about anything, it is the perfect compliment. Especially, when that compliment is something sweet. My favorite.     […]

Ancient Grain Pie Crust

You know the awesomely flaky roll out Pillsbury pie dough that is layered with buttery goodness? The dough that makes for the most perfect braids, lattices, and cut outs? That’s the pie dough I grew up with and for a good reason. Not only was it quick and turned out perfect every time, but it […]