Homemade Mock Maple Bacon Bits

6.16.18 Homemade Mock Maple Bacon Bits (Coco)Nuts for bacon bits! Hello! Hannah here. I love bacon. As I sit here and write this, I’m looking at a sign in the kitchen that says, “Life is short. Eat the bacon.” Life is short. And you should enjoy the little things, like bacon. It makes all the […]

Savory Chickpea Pancake Recipe

6.5.18 All about Chickpeas & Savory Chickpea Pancakes Recipe The amazingly nutritious chickpea.  Yup, garbanzo beans! Hello! Hannah here. I seriously can’t even name all the things you can do with a garbanzo bean… gluten free flour alternative, pancakes, omelettes, vegan egg replacers, mock meat substitute, hummus & more. It’s mind blowing. So prepare to […]

Black Garlic the Superfood

5.27.18 Back in Black… Garlic, that is what this ancient superfood is all about and why we love it. Hello! Hannah here. It’s been a minute since our last blog post… like maybe even a year or so which is what I really mean when I say a minute… O man. We are happy to […]

Simple n’ Spicy Kale Hummus

Spicy Kale Hummus with organic radish

Ode to Kale.   This recipe takes the classic loved hummus dish and makes it fun to look at almost as much as it is fun to eat.   I was recently thinking back to when kale first made it’s way into the proverbial foodie world. I am not even sure when it became so […]

Savory Chicken Gnocchi Soup

Savory Organic Chicken and Gnocchi Soup in soothing Bone Broth

Savory + Simple + Nourishing + Soup = The best dang meal anyone could ask for. I mean seriously. Who doesn’t love a hearty, soothing bowl of soup? I think I can speak for all the chefs, at home chefs, chef enthusiasts, working parents, busy life-styler of any kind, backpacker, skier, outdoorsy folk, Californian, North […]

Vegan Cottage Pie

Vegan Cottage Pie with Beet-Sweet Potato mash topping

  Vegan Cottage Pie. It’s the lamb loving version of the traditional comfort dish, Shepherd’s Pie.   I just got back from a California Christmas. I spent a little over a week in Carlsbad and San Diego. It was cold. Like trying to go for a run at 9 am and getting a brain freeze / […]

Chewy Holiday Oatmeal Cookie

Chewy Holiday Oatmeal Cookie. Vegan and Gluten Free

Since discovering this oatmeal cookie recipe I have made it, recreated it, and made it time and time again mostly for selfish reasons so that I could always have oatmeal cookies around the house and partly because the recipe is perfect and should be shared with everyone. There is something so soul searchingly comforting about […]

Salted Sesame Granola

Hannah holding an Acai Sorbet topped with an aspired sesame granola from the North Shore, Oahu

I cannot believe that it’s December 13th. Christmas is next Sunday. Where has 2016 gone? Where have my college years gone? Where did the past four years post college go? I mean does anyone else feel like time is just flying by and there are just not enough hours in the day to do everything […]

Apple and Fig Baked Oatmeal

Apple and Fig Baked Oatmeal

  When I first started this blog I wasn’t sure how it would go, what I would write about (well, food was the obvious motivator but I mean to say, what my writing would be like), or how into the blogging I would be. I had an idea that I would like to write about […]