Pumpkin Nog Cinnamon Rolls

No fail vegan pumpkin cinnamon rolls baked with ‘nog’ cream and topped with nutmeg cream cheese frosting. Let yourself have this one :). If you are anything like me, you visit food blogs for the food. I always click the “skip ahead to recipe” button. And I’ve realized that’s why I didn’t like to food […]

DIY Probiotic Coconut Yogurt

This is probably my most sought after recipe. I’m asked how to make it ALL the time, and I usually hesitate for a moment when admitting just how easy it is. Of all the recipes I make and create and share, something that takes me all of 5 minutes to do is literally the favorite […]

Gut Shot Remedies – You are what you EAT

Current song, “Lost in Time and Space” – Lord Huron.   I have been obsessed with fermenting anything lately. It’s a real obsession. We currently have 5 fermentation projects going in the kitchen – anything from a wild yeast starter for sourdough, we call him Stinky Pete, to fermenting pineapple.   \\(you can follow Stinky […]

‘Not Tuna’ Salad Collard Wraps

Current Song, “Stereotypes of a blue collar male,” by Shakey Graves.     ‘Not tuna’ salad, mock tuna, fake tuna, chick-un of the sea, ‘chickpea of the sea.’ There’s a million different ways to call this salad. In a nutshell, it’s chickpeas smashed to mimic the texture of canned tuna with the combination of celery, […]

my favorite Ulu recipes

Current song, “The River” by Cat Clyde.   Last night I led my second cooking demo that was in front of a very large crowd. If you know me personally, you know I am soft spoken, very much an introvert, and absolutely NOT someone to jump at opportunities that put me in the spotlight. Well, […]

Banana Turmeric Muffins

Current song, “07.11.11” by Jose Gonzalez.   I am on a turmeric kick. Although, that’s nothing short of the usual with me. Turmeric has such a mild flavor and it’s so powerfully packed with healing powers that why not add it to anything and everything?   Golden Milk. Turmeric in oatmeal, overnight oats, chia seed […]

Turmeric Tahini Dressing

Current song. “Green Mountain State” by Trevor Hall.   My dearest and equally as obsessed with food as I am friend, Kelly Stern (@goldielockshawaii), recently asked me to share some recipes with olena (turmeric) to promote the massive plethora (I know that was a double standard, but I really needed to emphasize the large amount […]

Vegan Laulau Dip

Kalo Leaves

Current song playing, “Tears Don’t Fall” by Terrible Sons.   Hey there dip lover.   It’s been awhile.   And I know said way back in December that I would post every week. That was my “New Year’s” Resolution. Even though I don’t really like the idea of resolutions for the New Year. Because they […]

Conquering this New Year’s Resolution thing

  Current playlist, Spotify Daily Mix 2, listening to No Rain by Blind Melon.   It’s been far too long since I have typed on this little screen. I want to blame it on being “too busy” or tired or not wanting to spend time at the computer on a day off or it’s a […]