Yes, you do! After all, we as humans are basically comprised of bacteria, that and cells, of course. They live in our intestines, on our skin, nose, ears, and even the urinary tract. I know, you are probably thinking by now this is not too appetizing of a post, but keep reading! The effects of apple cider vinegar in digestion along with overall health in the body is truly fascinating and has transformed my daily digestion, energy, and overall feel goodness to leaps and bounds greater than sugar or even hugs can do… well, maybe not hugs.

Did you know that for each of your cells, there are about 10 microbial cells. Yea, microbial meaning bacteria, fungi, and viruses. We are made of 37.2 trillion cells. To put this in perspective, if we look at 37.2 trillion seconds of life, that’s like 1,179,604.56 years… that’s long before human life existed. Like 372,000 years before the Lascaux in southwestern France. Okay, these numbers did not just pop into my head. I had to do some calculating. I am not a math wizard by any standard. I am a chef and a baker and the only math I can really do in my head is converting volume to weight as well as how many teaspoons are in a tablespoon. But I like putting things in perspective. It gives perspective.

Before I nerd out, lets get straight to the point. Vinegar has been an ancient remedy dating back to as long ago as 400 BC. Mixed with some honey, it was prescribed by the father of medicine, Hippocrates, to treat a variety of illnesses like the common cold or sour stomach. It is used as a preservative for pickling, as a disinfectant for cleaning, deodorizer, and a taste additive to salad dressings and many more recipes – definitely ones used in this blog. So these basic  functions and healing properties of ACV does just that in our bodies and most importantly, to our gut.

I was in the midst of writing this post when Traci Potterf from Ola Loa Wellness in Kailua, HI  shared with me that Apple Cider Vinegar can even be used as a shampoo replacer to repair damaged hair, restoring the skin’s micro-biome. No fooling you! It’s no-poo! Replacing shampoo with the apple cider vinegar helps the natural oils regenerate in our scalp – ridding of drenching your hair in mineral oils helping to strengthen, clean, add volume, and grow longer, stronger hair. Just another reason why this is the nectar from the heavens.

And last but not least, Apple Cider Vinegar helps aid in digestion. Common symptoms of too little stomach acid production are bloating, low energy, heart burn, abdominal discomfort, and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) are actually symptoms of too little stomach acid production. Drinking about a tablespoon of ACV with water at every meal increases the acidity in our stomach which is fundamental for the process of breaking down nutrients from food to proper digestion. You might be thinking, that’s what hydrochloric acid does in our bodies already. And yes, our bodies are amazing, well oiled machines, but they still need a little TLC from time to time. The acetic acid in ACV actually works to slow the digestion of starches in the body as well as gluten intolerances or other digestive sensitivities. Apple Cider Vinegar helps eliminate toxins and promotes healthy gut bacteria – decreasing the effects of microbial cells. Factors like stress, allergies, fatigue, and even too much alcohol consumption can greatly lower HCL production in the body, leaving ACV to take the slack.

Apple Cider Vinegar is a simple, affordable, and accessible holistic additive that does no harm and all good. I find myself craving it in the morning before reaching for a cup of joe – often feeling refreshed and energized without actually needing caffeine. This is not to say you have to stop drinking coffee for ACV to work properly or that coffee is bad. I have just found some peace in knowing that my body does not need caffeine. Food and in this case, certain bacteria, has had such a profound impact on something as simple as my energy from day to day. When I decide to drink that cup of coffee, I have peace in knowing that it is by choice and not an addiction or something I “can’t” live without. Since incorporating ACV with every meal – I feel more nourished and leaner without all that post meal bloating. I think the ancient Greeks were onto something.

Just be sure to purchase Bragg’s Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar found at most any supermarket or whole foods store right with all the other vinegars, salad dressings, and condiments.

Raise a glass to that.


// A few tips to keep in mind \\

If you aren’t used to the sharp sourness right away, dilute 1 tablespoon with at least 8 ounces of water to really mellow out the acidic punch.

Adding spices like freshly ground cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom – taste amazing (like apple cider!) and are also digestive spices. Win Win.

If you use essential oils or are willing to try – I love adding Young Living lemon, lime, grapefruit or any other citrus flavor that speak to you. Just a few drops in your 8 ounces and bam!

It’s great in sparkling water or even a splash in your favorite smoothie. Just be careful not to add too much as it can override the yummy smoothies flavor and taste rotten. I prefer it in my green smoothies as it pairs wonderfully with ginger and mellows out the green. Check back in for my green smoothie recipe!

Keep a bottle at work. That way you are never without it or having to remember to carry a giant jar of vinegar around town.

Work up to 1 tablespoon in 4-8 ounces of water with every meal. Again, have fun with it. You do not need to take shots of it or slug it back plugging your nose. You can make it taste great and have it like a cocktail at dinner!










Disclaimer: the information provided on this site as well as the opinion or comments shared by readers are no substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. I am not a doctor, registered dietitian, and I do not provide medical treatments. 

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